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Article Title: Max Divorce
Author of reported comment: Mike
Comment Date: 15:29 on Jun 18 2008
Comment: Al ot you amaze me. It is no wonder that people are fleeing the Church at an astronomical rate. People no longer trust other "Christians" (and I use that term loosely). Why would anyone choose to join a group or sect that they know will turn on them at the fist sign of trouble? Kevin made mistakes. Whether it is sin is not OUR concern. That is between Kevin, Allana, and God. You were not in the midst of the turmoil and you certainly were not at the altar next to them. Allow them to work through this without condemnation. Consider with whom Jesus actually walked. It was not the "religious leaders" but instead it was those that were outcasts and misunderstood. I do not question your hearts. I truly believe that many of you feel you are doing the right thing by scripturally picking apart his sins one by one. I suppose that is the nature of being "enlightened". However, what each of fails to realize is that he too is a human trying to make it in a corrupt world. I do not see a message board digging through your closets while you are on here picking through his. I am very disappointed by many on here. I am sure that I will be told that I am allowing "sin" to prevail--that seems the new mantra of this new generation of Pharisees. By throwing stones, you are no better than today's media. Jesus had but one way of dealing with sinners--love. I would give that a shot. You may be amazed (pun intended) at the results.
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