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Article Title: Father To The Fatherless
Author of reported comment: susan cas
Comment Date: 13:15 on Jun 21 2008
Comment: Dear sister in christ, Ms. hocking before anything else I would like to greet you first a wonderful name of our Lord Jesus christ upon recieving my message. GOD is always watching you sister, when I read your expercience for about your life. you touch me so much. so I pray for you that be stand in the world of GOD, in belivie, w/ in my heart . that hes,always w/u. day in night!additon of this we know before , before we knowing Jesus as our savior in to our life. we are comes from the suffering so that we seach GOD in our life. because GOD is always w/ us but we cant entertain in to our heart. but GOD is wonderful bec. he gives here son to save as this world to become here sons in daughter of GOD. so I was encourage you to be strong in the lord are w/ in us. ok. thanks in remember the sons in duaghter of GOD is well helping you. where ever we are. from sister of christ susan cas.
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