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Article Title: True Riches
Author of reported comment: cally
Comment Date: 20:56 on Jun 26 2008
Comment: We don't know all of the details of Kevin's life, his past, his sin, his heart, and his relationship with God, nor is it our business. From the verse you used, you seem to be suggesting that he divorced his former wife, after having sinned against her. I don't know whether or not that is the case. Even if it was our business, supposing we knew all of the details that led all of us to believe that he should not have married his second wife, are you suggesting that he divorce his current wife? Would he not be sinning again? Should he not be allowed to worship the Lord? Should we not worship the Lord too? Is his music sinful, because he sinned? I praise God that Kevin has chosen to receive the Lord's forgiveness, and continues to worship him, even leading others into worship. We do not worship Kevin. We worship the Lord. He is gracious, compassionate, forgiving, and desires to love us, and be loved by us. We have no reason to believe that Kevin is walking in any kind of sin. It seems to me, that it might take a great amount of humility for him to continue making music, and performing live, knowing the type of judgment that he will receive from others, such as yourself.
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