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Article Title: Press On, Break Through
Author of reported comment: Lynne Gowland
Comment Date: 19:52 on Jun 27 2008
Comment: Whitley Bay Christian Fellowship has been blessed greatly by God, receiving an outpouring of songs as well as many words of prophecy, blessing and encouragement. Not least of these were from internationally known Worship Leader Godfrey Birtill who encouraged us to record some of the praise/worship songs that had been written by members of our own music team. We had thought of recording some of the songs onto CD as an ‘in house’ project but not done anything about it. So in December 2006 we recorded some of the songs at a live recording session at our church, with the expertise of Daniel Bowater and his team from Lincoln. The CD was launched at Easter 2007 and has been well received, both CD and songs being used thousands of miles away as well as nationally. I hope that you can hear God’s touch in our music. We believe that the blessing of the songs and the CD is about what God has given to us and His plans for us - its not about us. We hope that you enjoy the CD and are also blessed by it. WBCF
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