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Article Title: The Reason
Author of reported comment: Sharon Buyck
Comment Date: 20:44 on Jun 28 2008
Comment: I view Allan Clare's review, as being a tad bit miss placed. Also, personally; When reviewing Gospel, the listener generally is looking for the spiritual connections in the words, in which of course the tracks become very secondary if at all. Yes I too consider myself an expert. I think this CD is a sleeper for sure! Meaning: What you heard as mish mash, most heard as fresh, daring and honest, and as original as "STOMP" was when we first heard it. Christ Reigns as been hailed internationally, and has made top 10 on a few radio stations. However, we do both agree on "You Are the Word, excellent. Over all my point is the variety/versatility of the artist/psalmists’ ministry has something for young and old, from Gospel Rap to old southern spirituals, with R&B/Soul twist to it. "The Reasons has a song for what ever ails you; there for once it get aired and heard, this artist and CD is destined to be the sleeping giant yarning to awaken and arrive for the Gospel arena. PS You're quite welcome
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