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Article Title: Prince Caspian
Author of reported comment: John Lee
Comment Date: 20:01 on Jul 18 2008
Comment: My daughter (aged 7) loves the Narnia books and has read and re-read each of them several times. We enjoyed the first film and my wife and I (who viewed it prior to me taking my daughter) were impressed by the directors touch in making it child friendly (eg the camera turning away at moments of violence in the battles, or worries being quickly resolved so there was no suspended menace). I thought the second film would be similar and so did not view it prior to taking my daughter. Unfortunately it was not as sensitively done with some quite fierce battles and dark scenes meaning that we had to leave the cinema on a couple of occasions (at my daughters request) due to this. Suggest parents preview it first or take older children. Also beware the trailers (we had Batman being advertised which was just far too dark for little ones to watch) - suggest you arrive later!
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