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Article Title: Out Of The Dust
Author of reported comment: T.K. Hanke
Comment Date: 15:01 on Aug 18 2008
Comment: I actually got this CD from a "99"New Year's eve concert Human did, promoted by our local radio station KSBJ. It was Human, Burlap to Cashmere and the Supertones. What a concert ! We also got a T-shirt and poster signed by the band. Several years later we were coming out of a Houston guitar store and a man stopped us and asked my son where he got that Human T-shirt. We told him we got it at a concert and the older son had given it to the younger son. So it was a "Hand me Down". The man was Vic Sapp. He was really cool, talking to my boys (both guitarist) about practicing everyday. He took time out of his day to encourage my boys. I agree it is a great album and should be re-released.
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