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Article Title: Why Do Christian Ministers Fail?
Author of reported comment: Nathan Finochio
Comment Date: 06:18 on Aug 22 2008
Comment: Well said, Mal. I believe church leadership need to take this a step further and NOT build a monument to Mike's mistake. I heard of a large church here in Canada that made an announcement regarding the mishap at their music practice, and then broke up into small groups to "pray for each other" because people were "wounded". Give me a freaking break. If people are wounded it's because they're guilty of idolatry. They've become "of the world" and allowed themselves to worship humanity like the rest of the "American Idol/Rockstar" society. Jesus never built a monument to Peter's denial. He restored Peter, and did so lovingly and publicly. What's worse? Getting caught up in a lie, or denying Jesus publicly THREE TIMES? Bottom line, we've created a church culture of inertia, and because of our self-propagating emphases, we hurt ourselves when leaders goof up. Let God build; this is another beautiful piece of His redemptive life-art, made of broken things-- a mosaic of mercy kept in memory's museum, to remind us of God's ability to create something from nothing.
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