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Article Title: Why Do Christian Ministers Fail?
Author of reported comment: Tams
Comment Date: 08:27 on Aug 22 2008
Comment: Isn't the name of Jesus enough?Isn’t Gods testimony of unfailing love enough? Isn't the fact that we are justified through the death and resurrection of GOD our Lord Jesus Christ enough? Why do we always seem to look to man? If we believe the Gospel for our selves then we better have the balls to believe it for Mike too… As much as his actions disgust me, I mean what he has done is such a disgraceful act of betrayal and so forth... But these are our options… 1.) Love God 2.) Love our Neighbour (Mike) This doesn't mean...we love what mike has done; this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t feel justified in being hurt, because I’m sure a lot of us are.... What I am saying is God knows Mike’s heart, he knows his motives...And God died fort this man just as he did you and me. I think this is the perfect situation to express and demonstrate Gods character of Grace and unfailing love, and leave God to clean up the mess and pass Judgment. After all…God did create the earth I’m pretty sure he will be able to sort this whole thing out no trouble, all he wants from us is for our hearts to be pure before him. All we have to do is pray and seek and get to know God more intimately so we can understand what we need to do in a situation such as this. I don't understand when Christians such as "Roost" and "Jim" react with such condemnation and judgment. Have you never sinned...Do you not understand the love God holds for you is the same love he has for Mike? We as Christians should be making it as easy as possible for Mike to run back to God. I mean what about King David in the Bible....he fell terribly and there were consequences. But they were Gods consequences, not ours. All in all he ran back to could pretty much say he sprinted back to GOd.....God is a just God.... he will be the Judge weather we see the effects of that on this earth or not???!!!
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