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Article Title: Why Do Christian Ministers Fail?
Author of reported comment: David Evans
Comment Date: 12:34 on Aug 22 2008
Comment: Great word Mal, In a prophetic way I feel this situation has revealed ‘a pressure’ that a whole generation of young people in church grew up with in Australia through the glory days of a movement called youth alive. We all went to the same rallies and conferences however underneath it all was “a pressure”. This obviously wasn’t taught – it was just felt. There was a competition felt in the atmosphere between states and leaders for bigger, better, more! Bragging rights. I know because I sadly contributed to it. Even though the fruit was awesome as hundreds of thousands came to Christ, something was being triggered in certain hearts that nobody could see and address… Some of us made conclusions of everything we experienced and sadly those conclusions were based on a foundational lie. The lie we believed was that you get more “kudos” or “rewarded” if you do something “successful” for God. I have (through great personal pain) realized recently that the Lord is more interested in “who” we are than in anything we ever will do for Him. Mike must of felt that ‘pressure’ of becoming and doing something great more than most. The pressure to satisfy that need to be somebody, achieve the honor and respect of others. This becomes a stumbling block. This foundation lie affects everything. It infects your relationships, distorts your worldview regarding your values and so on. It starts with a small lie that makes you feel good when you see reactions to it are favorable. And then like Chinese whispers the lie needs another lie and it gets way out of hand. I believe Mike couldn’t bring it back… but God allowed him to continue…. It’s another lesson to the church. Your thoughts are based on what you believe. Question your assumptions against the Word of God. Do they line up? Because your thought become who you are! And everything will eventually be revealed whether it is of honor or shame.
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