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Article Title: Why Do Christian Ministers Fail?
Author of reported comment: James
Comment Date: 16:36 on Aug 23 2008
Comment: I am terribly shaken by the news of the deception of Mr.Guglielmucci. In no words can i describe the dissapointment i feel. However, i am also deeply saddened by how far short of rebuking this disgraeful sin, yourself and our other so called "men of god" actually come. Have we forgotten that not only is god infinitely loving, merciful and forgiving, but he is also infintely righteous, vengeful and holy. Have we forgotten James 3:1,where it says leaders will recieve stricter judgement? or have we forgotten in samuel, where God's anger was enraged when Eli did not rebuke his sons for their sins? Stand For Truth. Ask the Spirit to guide you in what is right. "....Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity"
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