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Article Title: Why Do Christian Ministers Fail?
Author of reported comment: Ben
Comment Date: 14:21 on Aug 24 2008
Comment: this was written the day i herd the news: this is immensely personal to me - mike was a friend. i have had meals with him and amanda. i feel massively betrayed.i wept for him, i prayed for him and i cried out for healing for him. for what? it was all for nothing. when we was at Planetshakers conference in melbourne and sung healer i cried like a baby to see him on stage. seeing him sing that, when i at the time thought i knew how much it meant to him - meant so much to me. i spent today with my Ex talking about it and i will be talking with my pastor after church on sunday. I'm really depressed over this. i used to really look up to Ps. Mike. he was an inspiration to me. now i all i have is pity. i pity the fact he felt like he had to do that, and than lie for so long. the only positives out of this are that i learnt of this from my church, not from someone else and now mike can get the help he needs to get his head straight. i really feel sorry for Amanda, Kris, Danny and the entire Guglielmucci family. i will be lifting all of them up in my prayers. addendum: however, i have now come to the realization that although what mike did was a horrid act, i believe we can't let the devil win. my experience is that the devil attacks just before we are about to make major ground for god, and i believe that in a year ot two time we will look back and be happy at what has happened since this. this can also be good for a church as the "dead wood" - those looking for an excuse to leave will do so, and you are left stronger for this.
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