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Article Title: Why Do Christian Ministers Fail?
Author of reported comment: MAN
Comment Date: 05:11 on Aug 25 2008
Comment: "LEADER?" "LEADERSHIP"??????IS THAT IN THE BIBLE???? Just wondering, the word “LEADER” how many times was it mentioned in the NEW (Jesus) TESTAMENT, 1-The KJV/NKJV/ASV/NIV I found NONE, BUT in other translations I found a mention to the word leader couple of times and here it is: -Mt 23:10 “Do not be called leaders; for One is your Leader, that is, Christ. - Lu 22:26 “BUT IT IS NOT THIS WAY WITH YOU, but the one who is the greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like the SERVANT. Well now we understand that Jesus did not come to recruit leaders….leadership maniacs, you wanna be a leader because off course you are TALENTED, FIND somewhere else to show off but not in the house of PRAYER. BY the way, I here you asking, the word “SERVANT”, how many times was mentioned in “GRACE (NEW) wouldn’t believe it!! Mr. “me me me I wanna be a leader in the church because I am talented”…..WHAT?!! 1- in KJV is 79 times 2- in NKJV is 80 times. 3- The American Standard Version 82times. 4- in NIV is 97 times 5- The Good News Translation 106 times!!!!!! WATDDAA!!!! 2:106 Was that an accident?! well Jesus did not come to recruit “talented/awesome/handsome/gifted..etc LEADERS” HE (Jesus)discipled his followers to SERVE SERVE SERVE IN HUMILITY depending completely on their ONLY LEADER, JESUS THE SERVANT KING….. STOP LEADING THIS LIFE STYLE BY SERVING AND ONLY SERVING… ALSO a leader will have followers, and when he falls ....!!!!! It would have been much better for them to follow the only MASTER...LEADER JESUS.. IT IS ABOUT TIME NOW, you started TEACHING the bible, instead of selling it?! the bible does not need "SALT, PEPPER, AND SPICES", it is powerful enough if it is taught properly... A Saved sinner!
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