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Article Title: Why Do Christian Ministers Fail?
Author of reported comment: Paul
Comment Date: 18:56 on Aug 25 2008
Comment: Mal I am interested to know if you think that Mike should be held responsible for his actions. In the eyes of many this would be seen certainly from a criminal law point of view as him committing fraud, with the issues that he is currently being tested and diagnosed for they aren't really grounds for him to be held as not having a mental capactiy to know what he was doing is wrong and therefore could only be used in this circumstance as mitigatng rather than the cause. I am a firm believer in showing grace and forgiveness but I am also a firm believer and I believe the Bible also to suggest that when Christians sin we need to make them acknowledge that what they have done is wrong and where it involves the whole church community there should be sanction imposed. This may seem harsh to many but I think that those in fiath have given money and supported this apparent lie deserve to have their feelings of loss and being cheated met and managed effectively. I was wondering if you could comment in regards to church discipline and what your view on that is. I see a continued growing deification of church leaders today that surfaced during Luther's time and he saw this and saw the Bible and enacted a protest and a reformation. I am a firm beleiver in forgiveness but I cannot see how we should let his actions go undisciplined. Nor can I see that from a Biblical perspective we should let him off without some form of action being taken. I welcome your response ot htis matter because many I have discussed this matter with seem to think we should simply let him off.
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