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Article Title: Why Do Christian Ministers Fail?
Author of reported comment: roxane
Comment Date: 03:52 on Aug 26 2008
Comment: it's been interesting reading everyones personal comments and we are all entitled to it because alot of people are greiving right now and we must make room for each other to do that. our daughter Laura came home from bible college last night and reminded us about the life of King David - God called him a Man after my own heart". This is exactly what the enemy wants to do - divide the body of christ - it comes from within intersetingly enough and not from without. Come on people, let's rise above this. i have 3 teenage daughters who are very involved in the youth movement and this hasn't rattled their faith at all. there's alot we can learn from this. let's put our faith and trust back in the One we are meant to.!
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