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Article Title: Why Do Christian Ministers Fail?
Author of reported comment: Rodney Cronje
Comment Date: 13:04 on Aug 27 2008
Comment: Dear Mal Thank you so much for your Spirit filled comments on this sad event. My heart goes out to Michael at this time and i pray that God who is all knowing will allow this tragedy to bear fruit to his Glory. Having walked a similar road of porn adiction i full undersand the dynamics behind the scenr and the inner torment. Unless you have walked a road in another mans shoes rather dont comment. I wounder what the church and the world would have had to say if King David were living today. Murder adultere fornicator sex addict, yet God restored him. Sexual addiction is the CANCER of the soul and its end will lead to distruction and death. Let this be a message to other in and out of the church seek help while it may be found. In the END its all about God and his kingdom he will be the judge and have the final word. God is a forgiving God and the God of Grace. This is the time for the saints and the army of God to stand together for one who has fallen. Dont lets leave to the Lions lets draw him back into the fold!!!!. To other reading this be slow to judge!!!! God may be saying to you christian or non christian get your life right. When he comes back God is going to hold you accountable for your own life and not that of your brother. Again may this sad event result in a glorious testemony of the GRACE OF GOD. HIS LOVE COVERS A MULTITUDE OF SIN!!!.Rodney
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