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Article Title: Why Do Christian Ministers Fail?
Author of reported comment: Eliel
Comment Date: 14:49 on Aug 27 2008
Comment: Do you doubt that the Lord of Heaven is unable to see through the lies of mere humans? He proves it in Acts 5, in the story of Ananias and Sapphira – they would have lied to the believers, tried to fool them too, but Peter, full of the Holy Spirit, sees right through their deception, and speaks out instantly. Where was this kind of discernment? Michael Guglielmucci should have rightly trembled at a person truely filled by the Holy Spirit (not what these churches have taken it for), for a person truly filled by the Holy Spirit would have discerned him two years ago, and his fate would have been much worse than it is now, judging by Acts 5. Where is our Godliness? Where is our discernment? There is something terribly wrong in the churches he moved in, in churches in general across Australia and some across the world, if there is NO-ONE at all that is filled by the Holy Spirit and has the gift of discernment. Are we all blind? Have we all been deceived by the world around us? In that case, what of the thing we call Christianity in this country - how true is it to Biblical Christianity? I have a terrible, grave feeling that the Church that Jesus Christ came to plant is so far different from our version in Spirit, that it would take a mighty act indeed to bring us back. And while I know God is more than willing and able to do acts like that, I don't know how many would be willing to follow. May the God who started us continue in us, and as he increases, may we decrease.
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