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Article Title: Why Do Christian Ministers Fail?
Author of reported comment: Ruthie
Comment Date: 19:01 on Aug 27 2008
Comment: Thank you Jesus that you brought Mike to the point of complete brokeness. Thank you that you are the Great Restorer & Healer and you are taking the brokeness of this man and beginning to put him back together. Thank you that you love us so much and that you continually pour out your mercy, love & grace on us. Thank you for going to the cross with my sin, Mike's sin, the sin of the person reading this written all over you. Thank you for bearing that weight and the pain of having your Father turn His face from you on the cross. Thank you that Mike Guglielmucchi's name is written on your heart. Thank you that you have forgiven him (and me!). Thank you that you are his (and my) Healer. You are awesome Jesus! Give wisdom to those in leadership of Your church that we would see your name honoured & glorified despite what we as imperfect people do. In your precious name Jesus.
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