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Article Title: Don't Doubt His Love
Author of reported comment: Daniel O. Usifoh
Comment Date: 12:02 on Sep 1 2008
Comment: Len, as a toddler, I remember your soft, rich voice from my father's record player back home in Nigeria. Throughout the years I've never really forgotten those songs in your album 'Love Is The Answer' (although it's been a while since I sang anyone). I'm in my 30s now, my father has gone to be with the Lord, and the albums we had are lost. But for some reason this morning I just woke up to the tune of 'What do you think of Jesus' and I thought of finding out about you and how I could get your songs again (if possible). I'm so grateful to know that your songs are still available. You are a blessing to my life! And just as my father did, I will play again those songs for my 1 year old son, Josh!
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