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Article Title: Immigration - A Benefit Or A Burden?
Author of reported comment: Angelike
Comment Date: 14:33 on Sep 2 2008
Comment: I agree with you; I think without a strong root in Christianity, Europe is losing its sense of identity and its appeal. In time it will become like every other place on earth: a melting-pot. The same is happening in the US, Australia, Canada and even some of the developing nations. I really wonder sometimes whether the governments of 'secular' countries actually prefer multiculturalism because in the end it makes it easier to control people; after all, if you don't have a strong sense of identity and community with the people who live around you, if you don't trust others because they don't share your beliefs, then you are far less likely to rise up against imposed government actions that you disagree with because you'll be on your own. This is the only thing I see wrong with mass immigration; governments are using it like the ancient Assyrians once used it: to make peoples weaker in the face of conquest by moving them around and dumping them in unfamiliar places. There are many people in Europe who can do menial work but the government makes sure they don't get paid enough for it and that only a desperate immigrant would accept that kind of work. Governments should focus on strengthening their nation's workforce and helping developing nations to do the same. On the bright side, you could see the situation as God's instrument for spreading the Gospel to more people faster! I personally believe God's purpose prevails above the plans of men. Thanks for letting me share my opinion. God bless.
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