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Article Title: Lost In His Glory
Author of reported comment: jk
Comment Date: 16:07 on Sep 10 2008
Comment: wow, lastnight i was flicking through the channels and came across Sonnie Badu on a channel called Faith tv and i must admit i was blown away by what i saw. they showed about 30mins of the africa day of worship and after that brief introduction of this powerful and energetic ghanaian brother i must admit i have been on the net tryin to find out every piece of article or video there is on the net about him, which is how i got to this site. to me it isn't a surprise to hear all the marvelous testimony about him because he had a profound impact on me as well lastnight through his ministry which i was fortunate enough to see. i love the fact that he tries represent the whole continent of africa and this shows in all the songs he's produced so far, and now GOD: " i pray for longevity for this beautiful servant of yours, AMEN "
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