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Article Title: Lessons From Lakeland
Author of reported comment: SH
Comment Date: 22:24 on Sep 16 2008
Comment: I found Tom's article above to be clear and well presented (thanks Tom). I don't think Tom endorses Todd at any time in this article, but is balanced. The truth is that we all long to see God move. The challenge is for each of us to ask what we are doing for God and check our own motivations, obedience, holiness and our love! Are we seeing God move through us, are we demonstrating the fruit of the Spirit and seeing spiritual fruit in our own lives? Let's pray and be more concerned about that!! It's easy to criticise. It's healthier to really love people around us, love God and love each other in the church. Let's make sure our actions and words don't turn people away from Jesus. You know what, the students and staff I work with in school couldn't care less about who Todd Bentley is.. They do care about finding their way in life, about who loves them, about how they find a way through painful lives and brokenness etc. Jesus is that answer. Tom's message re-affirms that Jesus is the way, while challenging us on how we do this. Let's focus on the message of Christ and not so much on the messengers! Let's radically love others as Christ did. He came to heal the sick, to bring restoration with God and bring hope, life. Let's work to do the same.
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