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Article Title: Why Do Christian Ministers Fail?
Author of reported comment: Paul
Comment Date: 13:39 on Sep 17 2008
Comment: Uh! I haven't heard anything about this situation other than Mal's article and the comments that I have read, and so I could be out of line in saying this. However, in response to those that would like to see this guy Mike hung up from the edge of his own pulpit for fraud and lying has anybody considered that he may be suffering from Munchausen Syndrome, also known as Factitious Disorders. Could it be that Mike may be still sick, but in a different way? Mental illness is a bigger deal and causes a lot more damage than a lot of Christians would care to admit. I should know, my self and my wife have worked in mental health for many years. I don't know the facts so I can't comment, but it doesn't sound like the guy would not have done what he did for 'giggles'. And Mal did say that he was seeking professional help! I think personally that I will side with the good lady who quoted Christ in "Let he who is without sin throw the first stone"...and add I thank the Lord that there but by the grace of God, could all of us be.
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