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Article Title: Lessons From Lakeland
Author of reported comment: FollowerOfJesus
Comment Date: 12:26 on Sep 19 2008
Comment: I've seen videos of Todd from three years ago (far before Lakeland) and it was obvious that he was a very dubious character back then, preaching all sorts of unbiblical nonsense. Yes, as Tom said, we are all flawed and sinful, but equally the Bible tells us that high standards are expected of those in leadership, not just in our personal lives, but also in our theology and beliefs. We wouldn't have a mormon speaking in our churches, yet thousands of people tuned in to equally bad lies and heresy from Todd. If Steven Strader, the pastor of Ignited Church, had an ounce of integrity and discernment he would never have invited Todd there to start with. We are warned that there will be false teachers and prophets amongst us, and we are to guard against them and test what they say. Todd has been tested and found lacking in everything that he does. I'm sorry to have to say this, but the events at Lakeland were at best a man-made circus and at worst a scheme of the devil. I'm glad they had come to an end.
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