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Article Title: Pamela Hart
Author of reported comment: l.d zafar
Comment Date: 15:46 on Sep 19 2008
Comment: hello. i have been trying to find the words to your song "Free Again" and or music and have been unsucessful. please let me know if you will how to locate them. i just wanted to have a copy to include ina memorial folder i have of pete for over 36 yrs, as i know this song was his favorite. i am planning to visit his resting site, all powers that be are willing, around oct 7th or so and leave a memorial to him of some heart felt artwork i have been ernestly working on for him. i will laminate the pieces so they are more sturdy and protected. this is a trip i never thought i would have a chance to ever do, but things finally came together and i was blessed to be able to at this time in my life. better late i guess. this trip will be bitter sweet but to be able to see his home town will be very memoriable for me. i have always felt a strong connection to Pete and his compassion for the earth and animals. he was and still is my kindred spirit if you will and i hope you may be able to see my small token of affection for him that still would not or could not ever do him justice, but hopefully i was able to capture a small glimmer of his light that i believe still touches and inspires me strangely even now. i had not had any interest in drawing for over 3 years but after i found this memorial book i had made that i could not locate for over 27 years one day in some old bags of my mothers belongings only 2 months before i was to visit malone ny and realized i had time to drive to penfield, it breathed a kind of "new life" in to me and this memorial is what was born of it. i apologize for rambling but wished you to know the purpose of my request, and also i would like to sing it to him when i visit him. i belive in some way he will know... in peace my friend, l.d.zafar
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