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Article Title: Lessons From Lakeland
Author of reported comment: Chris E
Comment Date: 13:41 on Sep 22 2008
Comment: It's high time that the charismatic wing of the church recognised the dangers inherent in the course it is pursuing. An obsession for signs and wonders over and above a passion for the truths of the Gospel and a concern for the glory of God is causing churches to blow up, leaving a wasteland in terms of hurt and disillusioned people. This obsession is equivalent in many ways to the medieval fascination with relics over and above the truths of Scripture. The Holy Spirit is real, he comes both dispensing gifts and fruit - but does so with the purpose of witnessing to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus as he manifested the Glory of God to us. When we take our eyes off the Giver and fixate on the gifts we start down a path of error that is more impressed with dramatic signs than the truly dramatic witness of changed lives. This leads to promoting the wholly unqualified, who don't have the depth to last out. Calls for discernment always end up getting thrown out with cries of 'touch not the Lord's Annointed' (a prooftext taken out of context - the Lord's Annointed is Jesus). It's time that the charismatic church started rediscovering the truths of scripture and stopped it's reliance on the simplistic sloganeering as a substitute for deep teaching.
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