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Article Title: Where The Songs Come From
Author of reported comment: Jeff Harper
Comment Date: 15:30 on Sep 27 2008
Comment: Ross, I first met you and RH at Lake Aurora Christian Assembly in Lake Wales FL, (church camp). Later, we intersected again at Milligan College , TN (I was there '74 - '78). Here's a memory for you...after a concert at Milligan, you guys came up to my dorm room, and we copied both "The Game" and "The Forest". I still have that cassette in perfect condition, with Michael's (or maybe Susan - it looks like her writing) on the label. Was saddened to learn they later divorced. At lake aurora, after I had purchased "farewell to the shadowlands" you told me that there was an error on the album, and if I listenede very intently with headphones, I'd hear it. Ok...34 years later I give up! I've listened to the album too many times to count. Do you recall what the error you were referring to was? Thanks for your ministry!
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