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Article Title: From Rasta To Disciple
Author of reported comment: Andrew
Comment Date: 03:03 on Sep 28 2008
Comment: I saw Judy in Portland, ME in the late 80's, about 2 years after I became born again in Christ. I remember giving a card to the drummer after the show who said he would pass it along to her - I had written something about the gospel and my desire to speak with her some day in heaven... I always loved those sweet harmonies backing up Bob Marley, and also her solo work, especially Black Woman and Sing our Own Song...that record of just the I-Threes(He's a Legend -or is it called Ascension -can't recall)is another beautiful album. I was so encouraged to find out years later about her conversion. Judy, your wonderful music has helped make salvation mean even more to me. GOD BLESS YOU!
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