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Article Title: The Holy Trinity
Author of reported comment: Mrs Melenie Means
Comment Date: 22:23 on Oct 7 2008
Comment: THIS IS A VERY GOOD CD. [LIKE HER OTHERS]. You have to appreciate the word of God to truly understand how much of a musical genius this woman truly is. She takes life experience that connects with the Word of God and fashions them perfectly. Sings them to perfection and we get a sermon in a song. This is a Gift from God, not many other artist has, or can do this. The reviewer leaned toward the tech side of the work, but listen to the message and she is very enjoyable to listen to also. Her voice is unmatched, Gladys Knight was not a bad example. But not quite on it she outshines mrs Knight and Its no question this woman is something to contend with where it comes to singing, writing and playing the word of God cause thats what her songs are the Word of God. Keep up the good work Rev. Redden, and stay well.
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