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Article Title: Max Divorce
Author of reported comment: Christian in MD
Comment Date: 09:37 on Oct 17 2008
Comment: I am married and have been recently through a rough time with my spouse. In this instance we have both backslid and have been strugling. We have both cheated on each other. But have realized that what we have done is wrong, we have sinned against God and each other. We have forgiven each other and asked God to forgive us also. We have worked out are problems and are back on the right path without divorsing. Even Christians and Christian marriages can have issues. That is why we have a forgiving God who can help us back to the right path. Me and my spouse are still together working our marriage out with God's help. If I can do this with my spouse why can't Kevin. My family lives in an apartment with not much money. Kevin has been blessed. He has placed himself in the spotlight and therefore is suppose to be an example for other Christians. I am disappointed and will keep him in my prayers. God does not bless sin. Maybe that's why Kevin's albums after Dc Talk have not done so well...
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