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Article Title: The Controversial Wall In Israel
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Comment Date: 10:59 on Oct 17 2008
Comment: This is replying to comments made by Greg Olsen- you talk of the wall not being about land grabs, because with two states there has to be borders- do you not realize the wall does not follow the green line- the SET borders that were agreed to by both sides, it goes inside the greenline and through parts of the westbank- therefore it is a land grab. Look at Qalqiliya- the wall completely circles around the town, one checkpoint closes the only entrance in to the west bank and keeps the water supply on the other side of the wall. if it was about borders it would have stayed on the green line. secondly about security? the main parts of the wall came after the intifada - therefore after a cease fire- security was already being set up, attacks had already decreased to attribute that to the wall is to ignore the timeline. How can you be a messianic believer and be okay with borders dividing up the holy land.
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