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Article Title: Album Delay
Author of reported comment: nicoledenise
Comment Date: 16:52 on Oct 29 2008
Comment: i love the epitomes of gospel music. i makes me and everyone to escape capitivies that binds us down for so long. i hear get up on tom joyner show and i was surprised that the song is so afro-euro-eletronica,we thought it was mary j.-needless to say i dont like her lyrics that much because of feminist overtones. while i hear about mary-mary, they remind me of the clark sisters minus three, i also loved their song also. i hope they made to the european charts. we need all of god's words in songs the way it should be but a fierced fashion and i devoted their new song two hundred percent proof. thanks for opening their thoughts to communicate with us because jesus is the real communicator for our world and for the young people. as the middle chorus adds:welcome to the place we know but they can't let us into. rejoice as he wants to...just try. we get up twenty four hours-we have only one life to live-just live it.
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