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Article Title: Why I Hate Religion
Author of reported comment: C
Comment Date: 19:57 on Oct 29 2008
Comment: i am afraid that i'm as guilty when it comes to saying that i'm fine when am not fine at all. But sometimes you cannot be honest with everyone. Sometimes the hurt is just too big to explain. I think also, when we have big hurts and depression in our lives, particularly, if its long-lasting and very serious, we have to be careful not to dump it on just anyone, unless we know that they will try to understand. As i write this i am dealing with this very dilemma in my life right now. Who do i confide iN? i have been fortunate to have found people i can share some of it with, but i do not wish to keep coming back to the same people with the same stuff again and again. If i do, they will grow tired of me. I have been cast aside by people before because there isn't an easy answer to what am going through. I am glad that God never abandons us.
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