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Article Title: J Moss Presents
Author of reported comment: Tynneshia
Comment Date: 16:50 on Oct 30 2008
Comment: I like this group. They are some sold out young people and that is awesome to know. You know it's not about how cute they are or how talented they are. It's about how they minister to someone for God's glory. I especially love their new cd Total Attention~ it is so great!! Except the thing is, is that I have to listen to it on the internet. I am really looking for the lyrics to "Now" and I can't find them anywhere. Can anybody help me? Evin, Torrence, and Jor'el (if you are reading this): Tynneshia said to keep to doing what you're doing only for God's glory and nothing else. Don't get caught up in the fame, stay humble. I love ya'll in Christ, and J Moss I say to you to keep working with them the way that you are doing. (You, Walter, and Paul, I meant) Ya'll keep making the songs in Deitriot, because I know ya'll are not through!!!!!
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