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Article Title: Abundant Pastoring
Author of reported comment: Steve Jones
Comment Date: 22:53 on Nov 4 2008
Comment: After working in Bradford for days at a time over recent years, I have attended ALC randomly on many occasions, hearing messages from Paul and his team. I don't know how anyone could accuse ALC of being unbiblical, as my overwhelming experience has been one of biblical soundness in all that they preach and practice. Sure they are radical in the investment in their facilties, equipment and programs, but instead of finding fault with their theology, I find their teaching in line with an authentic radical Jesus found in scripture. They preach a kind of christianity that is community-changing and people reaching which is challenging for the majority of safe traditional church goers. Even if they aren't everyone's cup of tea, it is good to evaluate how effective our churches are at reaching people - and whether our methods are relevant to the unchurched.
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