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Article Title: The Day Has Come
Author of reported comment: Paulio
Comment Date: 19:20 on Nov 13 2008
Comment: Indeed he has and 6/10's of it is an absolute corker. I've been a fan of the Duke since the Booley days (and would dearly love to hear the CD that came before that if anyone's got a copy to lend...) but, and it really pains me to say this, but this is the most patchy CD he's ever released. The opening track is AWESOME, a couple of other tracks as good as anything he's ever done, some more of the find Duke same, but - and I rarely dislike a song, even if I don't like it, but three songs just get played because I'm determined not to skip them yet soon they're going to be taken off the ipod. Anyhow: if you're not heard the Duke before Songs from, Orchestral Maneuvers, iTunes live or Little Revolutions are slighty better places to start. That said: if you've not heard the Duke before you've MISSED OUT. 7/10. 9/10 if you delete If I don't feel it, Why does anybody love and Nothing you can do before you start. Which sounds harsh, sorry, I'm a total DS fan... INTTDWC is the first cd he's done that hasn't been a love from track one to the start. The awesome songs are ace though.
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