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Article Title: Don't Doubt His Love
Author of reported comment: Patrick
Comment Date: 22:38 on Nov 15 2008
Comment: I have two LP's of Len Magee and still play them ocasionally, Len has a good voice and his words and tunes are inspired, they always bring a blessing. I heard Len live at St Phillips cathederal in Birmingham UK in the 1970's, he appeared with "Big John Hall" and I remember Len cracking a little joke about David and Goliath, due to Big John's huge stature and Len being a little chap ! It was a great evening with two great singers. I love "Only a prayer away" and still play it on my guitar and keyboard, I play it in "G". Everyone who hears it thinks it's a great song. Two other favouites of mine are "You can know" and "Walk with Jesus". I wish someone would publish a music and lyrics of Lens songs, they knock spots off many of the so- called "worship" songs of today which are mostly bland and boring.
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