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Article Title: Lessons From Lakeland
Author of reported comment: Laura
Comment Date: 14:10 on Nov 21 2008
Comment: Toms article is well balanced, and after we are still humans and make mistakes, and this is what Todd has done. The bible does say that we should always question what we see before us to determine what is god sent and what is demonic sent. With Todd warning bells happended when he never mentioned Jesus, and when he did the angels were higher than him. But for the healings that take place I do believe some where of God, what does it say have faith like a musturd seed and you can move mountains, and if the people who gathered truely believed that God would do something then thats why they were healed. After all as long as we dont worship the guy healing us then we have nothing to worry about, its when we change to praise him thats when we should worry.
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