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Article Title: Tom Howard: From Jesus music pioneer to behind-the-scenes virtuoso
Author of reported comment: Mark Murphy
Comment Date: 05:11 on Nov 29 2008
Comment: Great article. It's too bad Larry N. died. We lost a cutting edge soldier. Like Randy Matthews he was one of the first to create a truly crossover music that unabashedly pointed to Jesus as Lord. Back then many evangelicals were saying Christian Rock was invented by the devil. So why not a song, "Why should the devil have all the good music?" Listening to the Trilogy still invokes a depth of faith and feeling for the Gospel that is lost on many of today's young evangelical Christian rock bands. I think Solid Rock took a hit from the enemy as Christian contemporary music did in general by the schemes coming down from the label companies and marketeers. They were wolves in sheep's clothing and did a lot of damage to replace true creativity and refined worship with watered down culturally acceptable stuff. The true Christian artists found it even more difficult to earn a living as the sheer volume of lifeless bands were given CD space on the Christian bookstore shelves. Christian radio did not do the real artists any favors as the vast majority of the new stations cropping up were sponsored by that white glove Christianity that's afraid to speak out and minister to the youth with quality stuff. Most of Christian radio in America is still handcuffed by narrow mindedness. More power to Tom Howard because somehow he managed to survive.
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