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Article Title: Matthew Ward: 2nd Chapter Of Acts and Pioneering CCM
Author of reported comment: Jenny Wells
Comment Date: 04:20 on Dec 7 2008
Comment: I learned of the 2nd chapter of Acts when I was about 13. I am 44 now. My best friend and I sang "Prince song" at school chapel - we were attending a private church school. Over the years my two sisters and I had a very similiar experience, only we were singing all of Annie Herring's music around the piano while I was playing! A lot of church members at the time did not appreciate the "tone" of the music, but looking back I see the songs as being right on target, in line with God's word. From Keith Green to Matthew Ward to Pam Mark Hall - I loved them all and so much of how I have grown as a Christian I can point to their teaching in their music. Larry Norman also. I am so glad God blessed us with Matthew, Annie and Nellie.
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