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Article Title: Christmas With A Difference
Author of reported comment: Wolfgang Elste
Comment Date: 15:17 on Dec 13 2008
Comment: I just got this cd by mail and after one listen I have to say I like it. I think is the right christmasalbum for anyone who likes The Electrics. My favourite song is 'The worst day I've had'. I also think 'WWJK' is very interesting. (The letters mean 'who would Jesus kill?' and in this song Sammy Horner is attacking selfrightous christianity). I like the everydaylyrics of Sammy Horner. There is always hope even if they sometimes seem to come out of very painful situations.(Especially in Sammy Horners project 'Dark Country) All my favourite christian songwriters (Larry Norman, Michael Knott, Terry Scott Taylor, Sammy Horner, Randy Stonehill, Martyn Joseph, Brian Houston) are not afraid to look at the darker side of life and thats possibly why I think their music is so encouraging.
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