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Article Title: Let Your Glory Fall
Author of reported comment: Shona Treasurer
Comment Date: 14:21 on Dec 22 2008
Comment: I just love Don's songs especially the slow worshipful ones though I truly appreciate them all. There is such a quality particularly to his and many of the other worship songs from the 80's and early 90's that had a marked Anointing upon such as the ballads. I include Graham Kendrick as a British example for one. We need many more ballad and worship songs today and even revamps of old ones. Which reminds me, who wrote...and I'm not sure if this is the title, but is part of the wording of this song, " in us...a House of living stones...where there's Glory all around". I was listening to that song (it could easily have been Don Moen's for it's quality) in 1990 as I reluctantly flew home from South Africa, and eyes ran with water as I left a land I visited and wish to return to one day God willing particularly in a time of Revival or see it come into Revival as do I wish for my own land. That song and Don Moen's material I had with me at the time was such a comfort. Bless you for putting his material online.
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