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Article Title: Randy And Larry
Author of reported comment: Wolfgang Elste
Comment Date: 18:03 on Jan 8 2009
Comment: I'm a fan of Larry Norman. I've seen this trailer (Fallen angel) and I think this film is very, very strange. How can they make such a hateful movie about the father of christian rockmusic. Maybe Larry Norman made mistakes (and I think everybody who is that long in this business sooner or later makes mistakes) but there is always forgiveness and if you believe in Jesus you can go to the cross and start new. Maybe Larry has done this while other people are running around and telling hateful stories about him. Jesus said that only that one without sin is allowed to throw stones. And than there is also this strange story about someone who calls himself Larry's son from this australian family. In the bible if someone wants to talk about sin he should talk about his own sin. I cannot believe that an artist like Sammy Horner gets involved in such a strange story and even writes a song about 'Larry's son'. The media (and especially the internet) are full of people who talk bad about each other. Christians shouldn't be like that. Jesus don't likes gossip (but the pharisees liked it).
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