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Article Title: The Voice Of Deacon Blue
Author of reported comment: sue james
Comment Date: 14:15 on Jan 16 2009
Comment: I agree with your comments that deacon blue helped shape your life as this was the case for me. Every w/end me and my mates would go to the State in Liverpool and dance all night to their music especially Dignity. Dignity itself is very important to me as a very good friend was killed in a car crash and the song was played at the funeral. This was a sight as at least 250 people were singing the song. Deacon Blue's music has comforted and inspired me it has helped me through lifes trials.( i now work as a social worker!) I have seen the group 14 times the last concert was in Liverpool echo arena 2008. It is now a joke between my freinds that i am a groupie (although i would not go that far) I cannot resist making my way to the front of the concert and i am a security gaurds nightmare. Thanks deacon Blue for giving me so many happy memories
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