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Author of reported comment: Alan Harbottle
Comment Date: 15:42 on Jan 16 2009
Comment: This album is a fusion of talent, sounds and styles. On first listening some songs stood out for me, like: "Come to the water", "Shout praise", "Lead me to the rock", "There is always a song". But then I listened again and gems like "Highly favoured" begin to shine. This album inspires worship, comforts the heart and challenges our attitudes to the poor around us and abroad. I keep going back to it time and again, it\'s constantly 'in the mix' on my ipod, I hear tracks on UCB radio and I've even begun to play some of the songs using the free downloads from the CompassionArt website. It provides a great example of the truth expressed in Psalm 133, "How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers (and sisters) dwell together in unity" - united in one cause God has caused his oil of blessing to flow from every note of this album. Everyone should get a copy!
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