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Article Title: Hybrid Stem Cell Research: A Step Too Far
Author of reported comment: abb3w
Comment Date: 18:43 on Jan 21 2009
Comment: Saying "species can evolve, through a series of stages, into a completely different species" is slightly incorrect from the standpoint of evolutionary biology, in that the species are not "completely" different. Rather, they are sufficiently different that mutations no longer diffuse from one population to another through reproduction. Over time, the differences between lineages tends to become ever greater; however, the difference is never "complete". Humans and chimpanzees share many similarities, such as general bone structure, inability to synthesize Vitamin C, and others; non-primate mammals share fewer, non-vertebrate animals even fewer, and non-animal eukaryotes fewer still; but some of the proteins are still the same between the eukaryotes, archaea, and bacteria.
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