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Article Title: Apirana In Car Crash
Author of reported comment: te iwi richards
Comment Date: 03:59 on Feb 4 2009
Comment: Hi steve!!!!, You dont no me, But I have been listening to your cd with songs like,Big mouth dave on it. What a knockout cd, Good sounds. you might had heard of my step brother, Tuhi timoti (guitarest). Anyhow I go to this moari church called the TE WAIRUA TAPU (TWT) at Redfern, And one of the people at church said that he is a cousin of yours. His name is Steven James and was wanting to no if you would be kind enough to visit our church at 587 elizabeth st Redfern, sydney, thats if you are in the country or city. thank you steve.; Te iwi richards ps. please reply, So that I no you got my email, Thanks.
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