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Article Title: A Challenge For Every Christian
Author of reported comment: Cat Lawson
Comment Date: 08:29 on Feb 15 2009
Comment: If someone is trying to serve Jesus, but struggles to understand the Bible then shouldn't they be accepted? Is a Christian who wrestles with the Bible a second-class citizen or are they a person on a valid journey of faith? Paul wrote to the Romans who were apparently falling out over what they were allowed to eat that they should not judge each other or put stumbling-blocks before their brothers (Romans 14: 13). Jesus told us not to judge (Matthew 7). Whatever I or you think about the creation and how God brought it about, honest discussion should not threaten our faith in Jesus. If we allow people to openly discuss forms of worship then why can't we allow difference of opinion on where life came from? There are more important things to get worked up about than whether God created fossils. Let's get excited about serving God and let arguments about words fade into insignificance.
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