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Article Title: Randy And Larry
Author of reported comment: meme
Comment Date: 01:44 on Feb 18 2009
Comment: I have to agree with Wolfgang. How can someone who claims to be a Christian spread gossip and smear the name of a brother in Christ after he's passed on, and is no longer here to defend himself. And Randy Stonehill... what is that all about? He claims to have forgiven Larry, but is sure quick to jump on the bandwagon and share his dirty laundry. As christians we should forgive as God forgave us. When God forgives, it's all under the blood and he remembers our sins no more. It's as if we never sinned. However, Randy claims to have forgiven Larry, but the minute Larry dies, he's ready to spread all the dirt and gossip. That is not true forgiveness, and I think he needs to do some soul searching. I'm sure that Larry had many faults--as do we all. But like Christ said, "He who is without sin, throw the first stone." In my opinion, these guys are cowards. They never mentioned this stuff when Larry was alive, but as soon as he passed on, they couldn't wait to tell their side of the story. This does not set a christian example to the world. It just shows that Christians are gossiping backbiters. Shame on all who participated in this documentary to destroy a Christians brother's name. God is the only judge of Larry, and we should not take it upon our selves to sit in judgment of him. As far as I can see, you picked three or four faults and made it seem that his whole life consisted of these sins. We have all sinned--many of us much more than what is portrayed in this film. Yet, when you look at the scope of Larry's life, his love of Jesus and his ministry far outweighed any of these faults. I thank God for men like Larry Norman; there are many souls in the Kingdom today because of his witness. May God's work continue in spite of gossiping backbiters.
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