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Article Title: Randy And Larry
Author of reported comment: wolfgang elste
Comment Date: 17:10 on Feb 19 2009
Comment: When you look at his talent, Larry Norman should be as famous as Bob Dylan, Neil Young or Mick Jagger. When he started making music he didn't have the comfort of a christian music scene. There was a lot of misunderstanding with the world and with the church. It is somehow logical that the devil tries to attack someone that is so talented and could really bring a change to the (secular) musicscene of that time. That's possibly why there where so much problems and talking and gossip. I decided not to care about the stories and the gossip anymore but enjoy and get encouraged by the deep and amazing music of Larry Norman, Randy Matthews, Mark Heard, John Fischer, Randy Stonehill, Chuck Girard and other artist of the seventies. Somehow this music and the lyrics of a lot of this songs has so much to say even today and the best records by this artist are classics like the records of the Beatles or Bob Dylan from the sixties. Just yesterday I heard an amazing album from 1967 from an artist called John Ylvisaker (cool livin) that sounds like a mixture of Elvis Presley and Bob Dylan from the midsixties. There are a lot of real treasures within this old Jesus Music.
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